EU Business climate report Azerbaijan 2016

© AHK Azerbaijan

From 1 March to 8 April 2016, AHK Azerbaijan conducted its first business climate survey, which constitutes the basis for its first business climate report.

The survey results display the assessment of the economic situation and business climate in Azerbaijan alongside the local investment conditions as perceived by the EU companies and their expectations about future economic and business development in the country.

The EU Business Climate Report 2016 is based on the findings of the survey focusing on the current economic situation and prospects for short-term growth, business environment and investment climate in the country, and the company demographics. The report was further shaped by the valuable insights of the EU companies representing major economic sectors in Azerbaijan that took part in the individual interviews.

The report was presented and published on 17 May, 2016.

Pages: 46 pages | File size: 7.11 MB


Key findings

Key Survey Findings 2016

  • Respondents have a more favourable view of their own businesses compared to the national economy and their respective sectors.
  • Majority of EU businesses active in Azerbaijan believe that the short-term economic growth outlook remains weak and expect their revenues to decline in 2016.
  • Top 3 factors influencing EU businesses in 2016 are Devaluation and uncertain market development; Bureaucracy; and Corruption and customs controls.
  • Best-rated 3 indicators of the business climate in 2016 are Qualification and productivity of employees; Political and social stability; and Infrastructure.
  • The results indicate that next 2 years are not going to be easy but entrepreneurs are positive about the next 3-5 years and believe that current reforms are likely to bring positive improvements.